Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Local Histories Final Project Assignment

Final Project Assignment
Local Histories Class
January 15, 2009
Final Due Date: Monday, January 26, 2009

Your final project for Local Histories will be to create, in your team, a book about the person(s) you have been interviewing.

Things You Will Do on Your Own:
Each student must turn in THREE of the four items from the list below:
• An “I am From” poem based on things you have learned about the participant.
• A free-form poem or story, like those we practiced early in the term, based on the participants life.
• An historic newspaper article from a significant event in the interviewee’s life.
• An historic photograph from a significant event in the interviewee’s life.
o Students will write a description of the article and photograph that includes:
 A brief summary of the historic event.
 An explanation about how this event was important to the interviewee.
o "The New York Times is an excellent resource for historic headlines and happenings.)

Thing You Will Do in Your Group:
As a whole group, you are responsible for producing:
• 1 typed transcript of the two interviews you have done with your participant (s).
o It is up to your group to decide how to spread out this work load. For example, you could all do this separately, or you could each do sections.

• 2 books (1 for your participant, and one to turn in to Ken):
o Each book will include sections on all of our participants.
o Your section must include at least:
 1 “I am From” poem about your participant(s)
 1 free-form poem or story
 1 historic newspaper article with summary and explanation.
 1 historic photograph with summary and explanation.

The final book may contain several of the above pieces (multiple poems, articles, etc.). Your group will decide which pieces to include. However, at least one piece from each student must be included.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the individual pieces you turn in to Ken, and part will be based on the group component:
• Three individual pieces (poems, article, photograph): 45%
• Transcripts: 20%
• Book: 35%

Individual student work will be evaluated according to each student’s individual writing goals. The transcripts and books will be evaluated for completeness and overall quality of presentation.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Advising Update

January 19, 2009

Dear Parent and Guardians,

Happy January and happy new year to you all. As the snow has melted and the sun shines, even if only momentarily, there are many things to share about our learning community.

Our advising retreat before the holidays was a time for students to share feelings, strength, and frustrations in a supportive environment. Nearly all of the students made their way to Silver Falls State Park for the overnight bonding experience, despite my poor driving directions. The weather was chilly, but clear and beautiful. We engaged in several activities designed to learn more about ourselves and gain insight into others. Shortly after arrival, students engaged in an activity which helped illustrate the roles which we each often play in group dynamics, and the strengths and challenges of being in those roles. After a snack, Rob, Polly, and I then led students through a series of outdoor activities which, for some, served to build the sense of trust and community, and for others, exposed fractures and confirmed preconceptions. Both of these results were extremely valuable to deconstruct back inside through discussion and open sharing. Many students expressed that the most valuable time as a community was the creating and sharing of art pieces which illustrated both the magic and baggage of what we bring to the world. Almost all students chose to share, or have their pieces shared anonymously, in an honest, trusting, revealing experience. I am personally grateful for the willingness of each and every member to come, engage, and share in this time.

Staff is currently looking at several options to make up the school time lost to snow days. We are trying to be creative in our approach to provide an effective solution that is least intrusive on the community. Such a disappointment it was for many of our community to have missed several days of intensives during that time. I personally found myself wanting to come to school on a snow day in order to lead my workshop!

As we approach the mid year point, we will be accepting a few new students to fill gaps left behind by a normal attrition rate, some of which will be joining our advising.

The end of semester one is Thursday, January 29th. Upper School Exhibitions will take place on that day. Students are each given several minutes to share work, or experiences, that have been significant to them over the past few months. Students generally choose to present projects, papers, or art work of which they are particularly proud, or from which they learned a great deal. That day will have a modified rotation schedule which will allow for all students to be able to present their work.

This Tuesday we will be celebrating the inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama throughout the building, and across age levels by watching the swearing in ceremonies and holding follow up discussions. Parents and community members are welcomed to join us.

Polly and I, in our duties as leaders of Kids for Kenya, will both be gone for our biannual student service trip for the two weeks directly before spring break, March 8-20. We have already lined-up fabulous subs to cover in absences. More information about the trip and program can be found by clicking here. Spring Break is March 23rd – April 3rd.

We will be scheduling spring parent-student-teacher conferences later than indicated on the school wide calendar, due to the Kenya trip. We hope to hold all conferences during the weeks right after spring break. Polly continues to be an advocate for each and every student in advising, and is especially helpful when I am not available during the afternoons and on Fridays. She maintains relationships with our advisees during her time in advising on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Polly hosts office hours for our advising to discuss any student concerns on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:00. We are both available outside that time by appointment.

All School Meetings are held Fridays at 11:00 in the Multi-purpose room. All of the ASM Committees (Budget, Hut, Shop, Park Stewards, etc.) meet each Tuesday at 10:00. Several students from our advising serve as heads of these committees. More about ASM can be found on the ASM wiki by clicking here.

State wide writing assessment is coming up. All high school students will take part, through advising, during February.

On a personal note, the end is in sight for my completion of my masters at PSU. I will complete my degree (knock on wood) this summer and will be able to be back at Trillium full time next year.

The preliminary version of the Semester 2 schedule is out. Students were shown a working draft last week to which they gave suggestions and feedback. Sign up will take place this week. Check it out below. This Wednesday, Jan 20, the final Semester 2 schedule and sign-up will be available. Please talk about this at home. Over the following week students will conference 1:1 with me to review their transcripts, explore interests, and sign-up for classes.

There is no school Friday, Jan 30 or Monday Feb 2 as teachers establish the new student schedules and do grades.

It is our practice that grades are available to teachers and students and mailed home 2 weeks after the end of the Semester. When those are available, all advisors will be scheduling student/parent conferences for Seniors to review transcripts and credits towards graduation. We will also meet with and develop contracts for any students who is Not in Good Academic Standing, defined as receiving D/F grades in two or more classes.

The week of February 9 is sign-up for Benson Night School. If I believe your student would benefit from this I have given them the forms I received from PPS.

The economic crunch that is affecting people across the globe is, as expected, causing Trillium to readjust some of our priorities. We are, as always, grateful to our fabulous community, including the TFT, for volunteering time, financial resources, and support during what for many is a strenuous time. Thank you all.

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous year,


Preliminary S2 Schedule

Please be advised that this is the most current version of the schedule, but not yet final. All four pages are included here. Click on any of them to make them bigger.