Sunday, April 23, 2006

End of Q3 - Conferences, Talent Show, Fundraiser, and more

Happy Spring,

We just finished up third quarter on Friday, April 21. This Monday starts Q4 with a modified schedule to accommodate for state testing. All freshmen and those sophomores who have not yet passed the reading or math portions of the test are required to take it. Others are encouraged to do so as well, as it provides a way to track student progress. The week's schedule should have already come home with your student. But, if for some reason, it did not, I have included it at the end of this post.

Teachers are compiling grades and writing narratives for Q3 now. Grades will be sent out Monday, May 1.

End of the quarter, and getting to be the end of the year, means parent-student-teacher conference time. I am scheduling conferences after school Tuesday the 2nd, Thursday the 4th, and Friday the 5th. Appointment times are on the half-hour from 2:30-4:00 Tuesday-Thursday and 12:30-4:00 on Friday. I am also available most mornings before school at 7 and 7:30. Please email me at to sign up for an appointment.

The Trillium Talent Show is coming up Saturday, April 29 from 6:30 to 8:30. Come see students and staff dazzle and amaze!

Get up your appetite for a hearty lunch in the afternoon before the Talent Show. Stop by Wild Oats on NE Fremont and 15th between 12 and 4 to get a custom made burrito and a soda for only $5. The Burrito Feed is a fundraiser for the high school. Wild Oats provides all of the staff and the yummy food and we get to keep all the money! Such a deal. Please bring hungry friends and family to fill up on tasty food and support Trillium at the same time. We will be using the money for the Spring Campout.

The annual Trillium Auction is coming up Saturday May 13th. Please mark your calendars and look for ticket sales coming soon

The Spring Camp Out is a two night adventure at Cape Lookout this year from Wednesday May 24- Friday May 26. Your student should have brought home a form asking for drivers and chaperones for this event, as well as requesting a $20 contribution for each student or requesting a scholarship. We were not able to find enough parent drivers for the fall campout and subsequently hired a bus to take us. We have not yet recouped those costs, but will still be able to make the spring campout a reality for all Trillium high school students with your support.

High School graduation will be held on Saturday, June 3rd at Norse Hall at NE 11th and Couch. Graduation announcements have been ordered and will be available the first week of May. Announcements will cost $1 each.

This Thursday is All School Service Day. Each student and staff, and many parents, will be volunteering time during the school day to work at different sites around Portland. Courageously orchestrated by our Americorps volunteer Rachael, students selected their top three choices of volunteer locations last week. Students should arrive at school at the 8:30 and will be back at school by 12:30.

This Friday, the high school students will participate in a workshop facilitated by Portland State University faculty entitled "Local Justice: Social Justice Education for Adolescents." Trillium hosted the workshop last year and we are pleased to be able to do so again this year. The workshop will focus on identifying and understanding forms of oppression and challenge students to reflect upon different types of diversity.

This week's (April 24-28) modified schedule looks like this:
Monday: high schoolers test from 12:30-2:10. HS students are not required to come to school in the morning.
Tuesday: same as Monday.
Wednesday: All Q4 classes, both A and B days will run this day. Each class will only be about 40 minutes.
Thursday: All School Service Day!
Friday: PSU facilitated workshop: Local Justice: Social Justice Education for Adolescents

It's a busy spring and I hope it finds you well. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. And don't forget to sign up for conferences!


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