Sunday, January 07, 2007

Friday Workshops January 5

Friday Workshop Sign-up

For January 5, 2007

This month’s theme: Health and Wellness

Below is a list of workshop offerings for this coming Friday. Put your name under the workshop heading you wish to attend on the attached sheet. Please remember that you are committing to this workshop by signing up – sign up, show up, and enjoy! Friday credit will be given on a Pass/No Pass basis. All workshops this month are eligible for Health credit.

Offering 1- Youth Connecting With Health Resources

Workshop leader: Elizabeth

Location: Elizabeth’s room

Maximum Number: 15

Description: Where do you go when you have questions about birth control or alcohol and drugs? How do you access low or no cost health care? Where can you get help with depression or a friend who has talked about suicide? What supports are out there for survivors of sexual violence? What about street youth? In this workshop we will begin by brainstorming what health questions and concerns teens have and then we will explore what’s out there in the community and online. After reviewing teen health websites and checking out community resources, participants in this group will create a Teen Health Resource Guide for use in High School Advising Groups at Trillium.

Offering 2 The Education of Shelby

Workshop leader: Jess

Location: Jess’ Room

Maximum Number: 15

Description: A self-described "good Southern Baptist girl," 15-year-old Shelby Knox of Lubbock, Texas has pledged abstinence until marriage. But she becomes an unlikely advocate for comprehensive sex ed when she finds that Lubbock, where high schools teach abstinence as the only safe sex, has some of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and STDs in the state.

We will be watching the movie, discussing and learning about the abstinence only sex education.

Offering 3 – What are you eating?

Workshop leader: Dr. Jennifer Brusewitz

Staff Coordinator: Ken

Location: Ken’s room

Maximum number: 15

Description: Naturopathic physician Jennifer Brusewitz will lead discussions about different ideas of diet and common misconceptions of what is good for our bodies and what is not so good.

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