Sunday, September 16, 2007

Community Relations Policy

Trillium Charter School


As a community school we greatly value our relationship with the families and businesses who are our neighbors. As students you represent our school to the community and have a responsibility to make choices that positively reflect on us. We want our neighbors to see each of you as the thoughtful, respectful, and caring people that you are.

When Trillium students are coming and going from school, waiting at the MAX and bus stop, riding TriMet, going to restaurants and businesses, and sharing public parks they cannot:

· Vandalize property

· Litter

· Engage in physical or verbal fights

· Shoplift

· Cross the street without using crosswalks

· Harass or bully others

· Use profane or offensive language

· Use drugs or alcohol

If a neighbor, business manager, staff member, or TriMet representative contacts the school to report a Trillium student who has done any of the above things there will be a consequence at school. For example, the student may have to write and deliver a letter of apology, pay restitution, offer volunteer time, have a parent meeting, solve a problem through mediation, lose off-campus privileges, or receive an OVRR write-up resulting in a detention or suspension. If a student engages in a criminal activity like shoplifting, vandalism, or possession of drugs or alcohol he/she may face further consequences outside of school.

Avoid these consequences, show respect to your community, and keep your off-campus privileges by making positive choices. By signing below you and your parent are stating that you understand this Community Relations Policy.

_________________________ _______________________

Student Parent

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