Monday, April 28, 2008

Senior Stuff: Projects, Commencement, and more.

April 18, 2008

Dear Parents of the Class of 2008,

There are a few important things to keep track of as we move towards graduation.

  • Senior Pictures are happening the week of April 27th, individual as well as a whole group shot. Contact senior Chris Pearson for the schedule at
  • Commencement will be held at Hoffmann Hall on the campus of Portland State University on Saturday, June 7th. Exercises begin at 2 o’clock.
  • Graduation announcements are being printed now and will be delivered May 1st. Please make sure Ken knows exactly how many you would like for your student. Announcements are printed on beautiful, one hundred percent post consumer material with soy based ink, come in envelopes, and will cost one dollar each.
  • Students elected that this year’s Caps and Gowns be purple. They will be delivered in the end of May and cost $30 each. Students may keep the cap and gown.
  • All checks should be made payable to Trillium Charter School.
  • Your student should be nearly done with ze’s[1] senior project. Final Project Committee Review dates happen during the beginning of May. Once the project is approved by the Committee, seniors will exhibit their work to a larger audience the week before commencement. Students will each have one 30-45 minute slot during the afternoon the week of June 1st. Parents, family members, and friends are encouraged to attend.

This is an exciting time of year and of life. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have around your graduates’ experience.


Ken Gadbow

[1] Ze is a gender neutral pronoun used in place of he/she.

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