Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hurray for Intensives!

A note from Polly:

Hello Everyone, I am writing inform everyone that all school intensives are coming up in December, from

Dec 14-17 From 9:00 to 12:00. As many of you may know intensives are week long classes that are offered to our student in a mixed age grouping taught both by our staff and volunteer parent and community member based on there interest and talents . The goal of these classes are to provide students the opportunity to work in small groups of about five to ten students per class and have the time to explore a subject deeply. In order for this exciting opportunity to work we need you to volunteer.
There are many ways to get involved.
- You can volunteer to teach a class for all four days.
-You can volunteer as a helper for as many day that can work with your schedule.
-You can volunteer as a driver as many days as you can.
-You can volunteer to help with logistics and set up and clean up , mostly done Dec11-13 and Dec18.
If you are available in any of these ways or have additional question please respond to this email.
Thank you in advance,

Polly Christopher
Service Learning Coordinator
Kindergarten Advisor
Trillium Charter School

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