Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Snowdays Trip POSTPONED (and the forms)

Due to a paperwork mess up somewhere between Timberline, Trillium, and Snowdays, our trip has been rescheduled for NEXT Saturday the 10th. We will again have 10 spots available, and will most likely do a drawing to determine eligibility once students can confirm their ability to attend.

The trip will leave Trillium at 7:30 Saturday morning and return about 5:00 that afternoon. Snowdays provides EVERYTHING one could possibly need for a trip up and down the mountain (board and boots, jacket, snow pants, goggles, gloves, lunch, instruction, transportation, snack, oh my!). Find out more about Snowdays here

For those of us lucky enough to get to go, here are the forms that must be filled out ahead of time:
Snowdays Form
Timberline Release Form
Timberline Rental Form

If you are going, please also make sure the information on this form is correct. If it is not, email me (Ken@TrilliumCharterSchool.org) to make changes.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Teen Weekend Meditation Course Next Fall

There is a weekend meditation course for teens (age 12-17) at Dhamma Kunja, the Northwest Vipassana Center, in Onalaska, Washington November 19-21, 2010. Here is the application packet which has more information. This organization is non-sectarian and non-religious.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Video Story Telling Workshop

Here is a cool weekend opportunity from Mercy Corps. It starts soon, and runs through April. Click here for additional information.

Teacher of the Year Award

Hey all,

Your favorite teacher could win free money.

OnPoint Credit Union is putting up $45,000 for teachers that wow the crowds. The selection criteria is: "(a) demonstrated examples of the teacher’s creativity and enthusiasm in the classroom; (b) exemplary teaching methods and effectiveness; (c) examples of teaching methods that have a lasting impact on students, parents and peers (d) three letters of recommendation from teacher’s principal, a peer and a student/or student family member" (http://www.onpointprize.com/official-onpoint-contest-rules.aspx) You can find out more about nominating a teacher by clicking here. Completed nomination packets are due by April 16, 2010.


Mini Med School

Here is a cool opportunity for those students considering careers in the medical field. It is a weekend introduction into the field of medicine, and scholarships are available to defray the $300 price tag. This is a cool thing to have on a resume.
Click here to learn more.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

FREE Snowboarding Trip

Thanks to the generous folks at the SnowDays Foundation, Trillium high school students once again have the opportunity to take part in an all-expense paid trip up the mountain! Our trip is at the tail end of Spring Break, on Saturday, April 3rd. We will meet at Trillium in the morning (check this blog, or with Ken for a more specific time as we get closer to the date). SnowDays volunteers provide students with all the gear, instruction, food, and support we could dream of. It is an amazing opportunity for students who have never been up on the mountain to get up there with their friends who many already know their way around the snow. This is the fifth year in a row Trillium has partnered with SnowDays: their dedicated group of volunteers has helped make each trip a memorable success for the students and staff who are lucky enough to participate. We are grateful. If you are interested in going on the trip, contact Ken via email (Ken@TrilliumCharterSchool.org), or catch him in the hallway.

Senior Project Survey

Hey seniors,

Fill this out.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This Week: Service, Forms, Photos, and more

Hey all,

As this Friday is the third of the month, it is our regularly scheduled trip to Ariadne garden.

Returning student forms are due to the front desk by this Friday.

Advising class photos are this week Thursday.

Spring break is the next two weeks!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mid Term Course Assessment Surveys

Click here to complete a Course Assessment Survey.

Senior Class Photos

Hi all,

Senior class pictures have been confirmed for this Thursday during senior project class (12:15-1:45)! I look forward to the whole class of 2010 being able to gather for a group shot, as well as their individual pictures. We are truly fortunate to have parent and photographer Lori Threlkeld volunteer her time for this.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Senior Parent Letter

Dear Parents of the Class of 2010,

There are a few important things to keep track of as we move towards graduation.

* Your student should be on the home stretch with his/her senior project. Final Project Committee Review dates happen during the last two weeks of April. Projects are due to all PRC members sufficiently in advance of the final PRC meetings to allow PRC members to look over the work ahead of time. This is a stressful time for many seniors as the deadline for projects approaches. Students should be communicating regularly with a member of their Project Review Committee to problem solve any issues they might have around their project.
* Senior Pictures are happening soon. Lori Threlkeld, a professional photographer and Trillium parent, has been generous to do our senior photos for the last two years, and we are fortunate to have her services again this year. Lori will take a series of individual as well as a whole group shots. These will be used in the yearbook, Senior Project Night and Commencement programs. Lori offers this amazing service free of charge. Should you desire to print some of the photos yourself, she will provide students with digital copies.
* Commencement will be held at the Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building at Portland Community College Cascade Campus on Saturday, June 12th. Exercises begin at 2 o’clock.
* We will be ordering graduation announcements soon and generally have them available to parents and students by May 1st. Please make sure Ken knows exactly how many you would like for your student. Announcements are printed on beautiful, one hundred percent post consumer material with soy based ink, come in envelopes, and will cost one dollar each.
* Students are selecting the color of this year's caps and gowns in the next couple days. They will be delivered in the end of May and cost about $30 each. We use a cap and gown company that rents us high quality robes that we then return to them.
* All checks should be made payable to Trillium Charter School.
* Senior Project Night is a wonderful showcase of students' work and will take place on Friday, May 7th. Students will each have one 30-45 minute slot to present their work to parents, family members, and friends. The event takes place at Trillium. We are currently working in developing an additional opportunity to showcase students' work during the weekend of commencement so that visiting friends and family may also celebrate theses enormous efforts and great accomplishments.
* This information, as well as a the senior calendar, and other senior resources, are available on my blog (http://ken-trillium.blogspot.com).

This is an exciting time of year and of life. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have around your graduates’ experience.


Ken Gadbow


Jacob Friedman Holocaust Writing & Art Contest 2010

In honor of Anne Frank and the Anne Frank Tree sapling which will be planted in Seattle:

How would your life be different if people were more respectful and tolerant of each other's differences?

How does change begin with you?

Deadline approaching! Entries accepted now through April 2, 2010.

Open to students in grades 5-12 in the Pacific Northwest (WA, OR, ID, AK).

Sponsored by the Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center, this annual contest encourages students to connect the lessons of the Holocaust to their own lives and the world today.

More information and details here.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Stephanie announces her transition from Trillium

You can read Stephanie's letter to parents here.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Student Survey: High School Core Values

Hi all,

With the help of students, we have been formulating a survey over the past couple weeks to help high school advisors in formalizing the core values of the high school. The survey is available to view here, if you would like to look at it. All students will have the opportunity to fill it out today during class meeting.


Monday, March 01, 2010

Retruning Student Forms

Hello Families,

Please turn in your Returning Student Form by March 19, 2010 to ensure that your student has a spot next year!

You can find forms at the front desk. I have also passed them out to Advisors.

Turn them in to the front desk.


Cailie Madigan
Student Records
Trillium Charter School