Thursday, March 18, 2010

FREE Snowboarding Trip

Thanks to the generous folks at the SnowDays Foundation, Trillium high school students once again have the opportunity to take part in an all-expense paid trip up the mountain! Our trip is at the tail end of Spring Break, on Saturday, April 3rd. We will meet at Trillium in the morning (check this blog, or with Ken for a more specific time as we get closer to the date). SnowDays volunteers provide students with all the gear, instruction, food, and support we could dream of. It is an amazing opportunity for students who have never been up on the mountain to get up there with their friends who many already know their way around the snow. This is the fifth year in a row Trillium has partnered with SnowDays: their dedicated group of volunteers has helped make each trip a memorable success for the students and staff who are lucky enough to participate. We are grateful. If you are interested in going on the trip, contact Ken via email (, or catch him in the hallway.

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