Sunday, April 10, 2011

Organizing and Socializing Spot


I will be opening Columbia Cottage at 8:00 am tomorrow morning for the Trillium Community to gather, talk, share and have a base of operations during the shut-down. I will be opening it up most days during the shut-down.

This is NOT a drop-off daycare offer or replacement for the school. However, if you would like to come with your kids, watch them play together, have a cup of coffee or tea, visit with other parents, please feel free to come by. We can even put a nice warm fire in the fireplace. Please feel free to bring lunch... or we could even go in together to get a pizza ;-)

The cottage has a large grandroom in which kids can play, it is close to the Columbia pool and to a playground.

Columbia Cottage is located in Columbia Park at 4339 N Lombard (google map).

Blake Swensen

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