Sunday, September 23, 2012

Spring Camping Letter

September 20, 2012

Dear families,

We have an exciting change to our fall camping trip routine this year.  In an effort to further strengthen the essential skills of clear communication and self-confidence, and to support the high school core values of self-awareness, citizenry, and preparedness, we are pleased to announce that the entire Trillium high school will be taking part in a professionally facilitated challenge course at Camp Collins on Monday, October 8th.  

Challenge courses are proven to foster team building, experiential learning, and self development in a safe, engaging environment suitable to persons of all ages and abilities.  Supported by a trained facilitator, students will work together in small groups to overcome obstacles and challenges.   In the high school this year, we have stressed our commitment to stepping outside of our usual comfort zone to embrace opportunities that can help stretch our ideas about ourselves and what we can accomplish.  We high school advisors believe this challenge course is a perfect opportunity to put that to the test!

After our day at Camp Collins, we will head over to our group camping site at Oxbow Park where we will spend one night before returning to Trillium on Tuesday afternoon.  We are also working with the folks at Oxbow and SOLV to potentially arrange a service opportunity for Tuesday morning.  Please note that this represents a change in date from what was originally on the school calendar.  Our apologies to inconveniences this might cause.  

Synergo, the organization that is running the challenge course, will need to have each student fill out forms before we go on the trip.  Expect those to be coming home with your student in about two weeks.  More information about Synergo can be found on their website at

We need drivers!  Due to the expense of enrolling the entire high school in a challenge course, we do not have funds to hire vans or busses.  Our ability to make this happen relies on parents being able to drive students to and from the camp.  Camp Collins is only 45 minutes from Trillium, just east of town, which we hope will allow many parents to be able to help in this way.  Please email if you might be able to drive.  Only parents who have completed background checks with Trillium are eligible to drive.

The cost of the trip is covered entirely by the student activity fee.

The Basics:

  • What: Fall high school camping trip
  • Where: Oxbow State Park
  • When: October 8-9, arrive at school by 8:30 on Monday; return at 3:00 on Tuesday

A list of suggested supplies for your student is below.  If you need to borrow any one of these items, please ask; we have lots of extras!  Email Ken@trilliumcharterschool with any supply concerns or questions:
  • Tent w/ground cloth and rain fly
  • Sleeping bag or blanket/sheet bedroll
  • Sleeping pad
  • Flashlight/headlamp
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Water bottle
  • Change of clothes
  • Sleepwear
  • An extra pair of sneakers
  • Warm clothing for potentially cool nights (A sweatshirt, or light jacket, long pants and socks)
  • Light clothing for potentially warm days,

All students on the trip are expected to share in cooking and cleaning duties. Drugs and alcohol are, of course, strictly prohibited on the trip. Game systems and loud music are requested to stay at home, while we encourage students to bring cards, board games, and musical instruments and a great attitude.  For students receiving medication, please contact to make sure we have the legally required permissions, instructions, and labeled medications.

We are excited to engage in this new opportunity.  We hope to realize many benefits from the experience and look forward to trying something new for our community.  We look forward to another great high school campout. Please let your student’s advisor know if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,
The High School Team

High School Core Values
In every interaction, space, and environment, Trillium High School students and staff seek to foster the developmentally appropriate principles of:

Self Awareness: Encouraging self discovery, self acceptance, and self leadership as means to personal growth, and self accountability.

Citizenry: Fostering responsibility as integrous community members and global citizens.  Supporting an environment that is informed, culturally sensitive, and just.  Creating a caring community that comes together in joy and gratitude.

Preparedness: Developing academic, social, artistic, and personal tools and strategies for living fulfilling, and productive lives.  

The High School Team encourages and supports our core values through:
  • Advisor-Student-Parent Relationships
  • Engaging, relevant, meaningful, and challenging class work and programs
  • Democracy: Class, High School, and All School Meetings
  • Service Learning
  • Playing together, during flexible times, Campouts, and Advising
  • Flexible, independent learning opportunities
  • Choice: Consistent opportunities to use unique passions and interests in the demonstration of learning.

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