Monday, April 07, 2014

Class of 2014 Update

April 2014
Dear Parents of the Class of 2014,

Happy spring to you all.  We are entering into the home stretch for senior projects (2 weeks and counting!) and there are some important events to keep in mind as we move toward graduation.

  • Senior Projects are due to all Project Review Committee (PRC) members on Monday, April 21st.  Seniors must submit a copy of their written portion (and sensory portion as appropriate) to each of the members of their PRC on that day.  Failure to do so significantly inconveniences the very people who will be grading the work - students should turn it in on time!
  • Senior Portraits will be taken by professional photographer and proud parent of a Trillium alumni, Errol Cox on Monday, April 7th during senior project class.  Photographs will be included in the yearbook at no cost to Trillium.  Students and families wishing to purchase a series of posed shots may do so by contacting Errol through Facebook.  He takes beautiful photographs, offers packages at very reasonable prices, and is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.
  • Candidates for graduation will professionally present and defend their projects at a Final PRC Meeting between Wednesday, May 7th, and Friday May 9th.  Meetings are 80 minutes in length and will take place during the school day.  After presentation and deliberation, Project Review Committee members will make one of four determinations: Fully Approved, Approved with Minor, Approved with Major, or Rejected.  Any determination short of Fully Approved indicates that the candidate must make adjustments to his/her/their project in order to be considered satisfactory for graduation.
  • Senior Project Night is a wonderful showcase of students' work and will take place on Friday, May 16th.  We are pleased to communicate changes made to the traditional flow of senior project night in order to make it more accessible to more members of the community and to support the feeling of celebration seniors so richly deserve.  As in the past, students will each have one 30-minute slot to present their work to parents, family members, and friends.  In addition, this year will feature two whole group performances, and will conclude with a potluck dinner graciously organized by Trillium’s parent-teacher organization, Together for Trillium (for more information on the food side of things, contact James Rohl, TFT president, at  The event takes place at Trillium and beings at 3:00 PM.  Dinner will be at 7:15.  This will not be a regular school day for high school students.  In fact, senior project night is the school day.  All seniors are expected to attend for the duration of the event, and their families and friends are encouraged to do so as well. Mark your calendars as this event is amazing and should not be missed!
  • Senior Dinner will be held on Friday, June 6th at 7:00 PM.  This event is for the class of 2014 and their teachers only.  Expect further information soon.
  • Graduation announcements are professionally designed and will be delivered May 1st.  Andrew Bean, lawyer, graphic designer, and husband of high school science teacher Christina Aucutt has volunteered his superb skills to create our own unique invites.  We have budgeted 15 invites per student, but will gladly produce more if need be.  Indicate on the Senior Package form below (due by Monday, April 15th) if you would like to order additional announcements.
  • Class of 2014 Commencement will be held Saturday, June 7th at the Moriarty Arts and Humanities building room 104 at PCC-Cascade from 2:00 to 4:30.  Doors open to families at 1:35.  Members of the Class of 2014 are to arrive at 12:00.  
  • Caps and gowns have arrived and are black.  We use a cap and gown company that rents us high quality robes and caps.  Students will be able to keep the tassels.
  • The Senior Package includes:
      1. Rental of cap and gown
      2. Purchase of Tassel
      3. 15 graduation announcements (cost is $1 each for additional)
      4. Senior Dinner
      5. Total cost is $48.00.
Checks should be made payable to Trillium Charter School, and given to the front desk by Monday, April 15th.  Scholarships are available to those for whom this fee presents significant economic hardship.  Please include the attached form when paying.  

I would be happy to help with any questions you might have around your graduates’ experience. It is a blessing to work with this group of students.  Thank you, parents for creating such amazing people.


Ken Gadbow

Senior Graduation Package

Student Name: ___________ HS Advisor: ________

Parent/Guardian Name: __________ Phone:_________

Total Payment
Senior Package:
(Cap and gown rental, tassel purchase, 15 graduation announcements, senior dinner.)

Additional Graduation announcements
$1.00 each

Scholarship fund contribution.
Any voluntary contribution will be used to help students with economic challenges obtain a senior package. This donation is tax deductible.

Total =

* Scholarship available: Please provide a brief description of your financial circumstances below if this cost presents an inordinate financial hardship.


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