Sunday, October 01, 2006


Hi all,

THERE WILL be school this week, (except on Monday, when it will be only preschool) at the OLD building, on a regular daytime schedule.

Here is the schedule for this week:
Monday 10/2 - preschool only.
Tuesday 10/3 - 8:30-3:00 (3:15 upper school)
wednesday 10/4 - 8:30-3:00 (3:15 upper school)
thursday 10/5 - 8:30-3:00 (3:15 upper school)
Friday 10/6 - 8:30-12

MOVE SCHEDULE: Large, sturdy boxes with lids still needed!!
work crews still needed today (sunday 10/1) - old building til 7pm
work crews still needed monday 10/2 at BOTH buildings from 9-7.
the work volunteer needs will be posted soon for the rest of the week. the move is tentatively scheduled for friday, saturday and sunday, 10/6-10/8, with a first day at the new building (still tentative) on 10/9.

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