Sunday, October 01, 2006

World History: Personal Pre-History Assignment

Personal Pre-Historic Tale Assignment

World History

September 19, 2006

Due Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In future eras, we will have first hand accounts of human activity that help us understanf the intricacies of day to day life. In the era before writing, pre-history, we don’t have that luxury. So we guess. We piece together stories based on archeological evidence and educated guesses – based sometimes on what we see people and animals do today. Your assignment is to write a 1-2 page personal narrative, from the point of view of an ancient Homo sapiens sapiens. This story should be as historically (or pre-historically, if you will) accurate as possible. In order to begin, it may be helpful to generate a list of a few things:




A cave painting in France shows some spear-like things next to some deer like things.

Ancient cave painters hunted deer with spears.

A small child watches adults hunt.

  • Ideas to consider: What, where, and how people ate, how they dressed, walked, talked, daily activities, what the land may have looked like.
  • You must also include your sources for the “facts” that you chose. You may list class notes as one of your sources.
  • You could write about one moment, a day, an adventure – it is up to you.
  • This is a creative, though fact-based, assignment. Have fun with it and come to class prepared to share your story with others.

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