Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Q2 Newspaper Syllabus

Three Petal Press: the Power of the Paper

Trillium Charter School


Instructor: Ken Gadbow


Newspaper email:

Phone: 503-348-9849


Credit available: Language Arts, Art, or Elective

Course Objectives:

Students will write, edit, and layout the school newspaper, The Three Petal Press. Students will develop their writing abilities by creating multiple articles for the school paper. Students will develop their skills at editing and providing constructive, critical feedback of others’ work. Students may also develop their artistic talents in the areas of photography and/or comic drawing.

Course Overview:

Trillium introduced its first school newspaper, The Three Petal Press, last year. For 2006/7, we will be increasing the number of issues per year – we will publish 3 issues per quarter. In fitting with Trillium philosophy, the paper is student run – ideas for content, writing, art, and comics are all generated, written, and edited by students. Students will have the opportunity to share news, stories, pictures, poems, or whatever your heart desires with the greater Trillium community. The class runs all year. Students are encouraged, but not required to, take all four quarters.

Code of Conduct:

All students are expected to know and uphold the Rights and Responsibilities of the Trillium Constitution. We will use the non-violent conflict resolution process that includes conversations, mediations, and the OVRR system.

Assignments and grading policies:

A student’s grade is based on the work that she/he produces for the paper, as well as the student’s ability to meet deadlines. In order for the paper to be published in a timely manner, it is essential the work is turned in by the deadline. Each student is expected to develop five quality pieces throughout the term, distributed over 3 issues. A quality piece is defined as one which is of sufficient length and content to challenge the student. Each piece will go into the student’s newspaper portfolio, upon which the student’s final grade will be evaluated. Laying-out the paper is considered the equivalent of producing two pieces of work.

Unlike in previous terms, this class is now graded on a pass/no pass basis. Students who participate respectfully in class, peer review at least 10 other pieces over the course of the term, and challenge themselves with the pieces they create will:

· Earn a “Pass” in this class if they produce all 5 pieces of work.

· Earn a “No Pass” in this class if they produce less than 4 pieces of work.

Students should begin each day by consulting The Big Board which contains all the expectations and deadlines for the next issue. Students are expected to print out and save all of their work in their file in the classroom. You will be graded at the end of the quarter based on the contents of your file. Your file should also contain each of the peer review sheets from your classmates as well as a log of the papers you peer reviewed.

Attendance Policy:

The majority of your grade in this class comes from your participation. If you are not here, then you cannot participate. If you cannot participate, then you cannot meet the expectations of the class. This class is graded on a pass/no pass basis.

§ If a student misses more than 3 classes, s/he cannot pass.

Course Schedule:

Week 1 (Nov. 26 – Dec 2)

Monday: Issue 1 submission selection and drafting

Wednesday: Issue 1 draft deadline

Week 2 (December 3-9)

Monday: Issue 1 submission deadline, begin layout

Wednesday: Issue 1 continue layout

· Parent-student conferences this week

Week 3 (Dec 10-16)

Monday: Issue 1 final layout and submission selection for issue 2

Wednesday: Issue 1 printing, folding, & distribution,

· Parent-student conferences this week

Winter Break December 17 – Jan 1. No School.

Week 4 (January 2-6)

Monday: Issue 2 piece selection and drafting

Wednesday: Issue 2 submission drafts due, begin layout

Week 5 (January 7-13)

Monday: Issue 2 submission deadline, continue layout

Wednesday: Issue 2 final layout

Week 6 (January 14-20)

Monday: No school – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Wednesday: Issue 2 printing, folding, & distribution, Issue 3 piece selection

Week 7 (January 21-27)

Monday: Issue 3 drafts due

Wednesday: Issue 3 submissions due, begin layout

Week 8 (Jan. 28-Feb. 3)

Monday: Issue 3 continue layout

Wednesday: Issue 3 final layout. Printing, folding & distribution.

Last week of term.

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