Community Counter-Ad Project[1]
Reality Check
Due: Presentations will begin on
This project can be done in groups of up to 2 people.
Anti Ads (also called Counter Ads) are parodies* or spoofs** of real advertising. Anti Ads often use humor to refocus the original message of the ad to reflect the true nature of a product.
Goal: To use your media deconstruction skills to create an Anti Ad of a print, radio, or television advertisement readily found in the community.
Ø Find an advertisement in the community that you wish to counter.
Ø Create an Anti Ad. Possible ideas:
o Draw a parody of a print ad.
o Create and draw a cartoon spoofing a movie or TV commercial
o Record a radio commercial
o Scan an ad into the computer and then use a photo editing program to alter the ad.
o Perform a skit that spoofs a TV commercial or movie
Ø Write a synopsis of your anti ad that includes:
o The original intent of the ad
o What techniques are used by the advertising agency to sell the product (See Handout: Deconstructing Ads: Some Tools for Media Literacy)
o How and why you modified the ad.
o Who was in your group and what did each person in your group do to help create the anti ad.
Ø Present your Anti Ad to the class, and place, distribute or perform your ad for the broader community.
What to hand in:
Ø The original Ad
Ø Your anti Ad
Ø Write-up
Grading Criteria:
Ø See rubric on back.
*Parody - A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.
**Spoof - A gentle imitation; a light parody.
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