Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tai Chi Syllabus

Tai Chi

Trillium Charter School

Second Quarter 2006/7

Instructor: Ken Gadbow

Email: Ken@TrilliumCharterSchool.org

Phone: 503-348-9849

Course Structure

We will study the art of tai chi through both group and one on one instruction. This class is non-competitive. Evaluations will be based on individual progress in understanding and performing parts of the exercise. Students will spend ten minutes each class period making detailed notes on new moves or corrections. There will be a mid-term exam and an end of term exhibition in front of the school community.

Course Objectives

Students will learn a series of movements in the tai chi chu’an yang style long form. Students will be able to practice tai chi at school, at home, or in line at the grocery store. Students will develop their understanding of the philosophy of meditative martial arts.

Course Overview

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise focusing on relaxation and power. The exercise, which takes about 25 minutes to complete, is designed to facilitate physical, mental, and emotional development. Consisting of 124 movements, Tai Chi is performed in a slow, smooth, and continuous manner. This non-competitive class allows students to progress at their own rate, utilizing one-on-one as well as group instruction. Students should wear loose fitting clothing and socks.

Code of Conduct

All students are expected to know and uphold the Rights and Responsibilities of the Trillium Constitution. We will use the non-violent conflict resolution process that includes conversations, mediations, and the OVRR system.

Framework Concentrations:


  • Know where to find places that will help you stay focused
  • Seek assistance when needed
  • Be willing to try new activities.
  • Assess your present performance
  • Demonstrate awareness of what you’ve learned and why it matters

Community Membership:

  • Be willing to try new activities.

Framework Concentrations (cont.)

Health, Wellness, and Safety:

  • Have a personal fitness program


  • Make choices about seating, partners and groups that have academic and social benefits


Participation (based on student self-evaluation*, page 5) 80%

Mid term exhibition 10%

End of term exhibition 10%

*There are 306 points possible in the self-evaluation. Each student gets evaluated at the end of the quarter, out of a possible 288 (everyone gets 2 freebies). Therefore, in the self-evaluation, an “A” = 288 – 259, “B” = 229 – 258, “C” = 228 – 199, “D” = 198 – 169, “F” = <169.

Attendance Policy:

The majority of your grade in this class comes from your participation. If you are not here, then you cannot participate. If you cannot participate, then you cannot meet the expectations of the class. This class is graded on a pass/no pass basis.

§ If a student misses more than 3 classes, s/he cannot pass.

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