Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Q2 Local History Syllabus

Local History

Trillium Charter School

2006/7 Quarter 2

Instructor: Ken Gadbow


Phone: 503-348-9849


Course Structure:

Students will be expected to participate in many ways: through writing, reading, listening, and small group activities. There are short listening and writing assignments each day, which may include read-alouds. Students will keep a log book of what we do each day in class and save all material they create in their files.

Course Objectives:

Students will acquire a greater knowledge about the history of the Pacific Northwest since the time of contact with Europeans. Students will develop greater abilities to express themselves through writing. Students will be able to tell historically accurate tales about specific places in or around Portland.

Course Overview:

We will begin the story of the Pacific Northwest this quarter at the time just after contact was made between Indians and Europeans and work our way up to the 20th century. (We covered earlier Indian history during quarter one.) Topics may include the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the Oregon Trail, Indian treaties and wars, logging and the development of industries, and race, class, and gender in the Wild West.

During this class we will be taking field trips in and around Portland to visit historical sites.

Code of Conduct:

All students are expected to know and uphold the Rights and Responsibilities of the Trillium Constitution. We will use the non-violent conflict resolution process that includes conversations, mediations, and the OVRR system.


Participation: 50%

Projects 30%

Quizzes 20%

Participation will be graded according to the student’s involvement in daily class activities. Your logbook will be evidence of your participation in class.

Attendance Policy:

The majority of your grade in this class comes from your participation. If you are not here, then you cannot participate. If you cannot participate, then you cannot meet the expectations of the class.

§ If a student misses more than 3 classes per term, s/he will find it extremely challenging to earn passing status.

Quarter 2 Schedule

Week 1 (Nov. 26 – Dec. 2)

Week 2 (December 3-9)

  • Parent-student conferences this week

Week 3 (Dec 10-16)

  • Parent-student conferences this week

Winter Break December17 – Jan 1. No School

Week 4 (January 2-6)

Week 5 (January 7-13)

Week 6 (January 14-20)

  • Monday – No school – Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Week 7 (January 21-27)

Week 8 (Jan. 28 – Feb. 3)

  • Last week of term. All student work due.

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