Saturday, April 11, 2009

Senior News

April 11, 2009

Dear Parents of the Class of 2009,

This is an exciting time for your senior and there are a few important things to keep track of as we move towards graduation.

• Your student should be nearly done with his/her Senior Project. The big push is on as the due date of Friday, April 17th quickly approaches. Each student must set his/her Final Project Review Committee date before the end of this month. During this session, the student will present and defend the finished project to his/her PRC. During this meeting, the Committee deliberates as to whether the student has met expectations for a quality senior project. Three results are possible: Approval, Conditional Approval, or Rejection (1).
Senior Project Night is Friday, May 1st at 6:30. All family members and friends are encouraged to come celebrate with us. The class of 2009 will be presenting their projects to you and the broader community. Each student will have about 30 minutes to present and answer questions about his/her project. Three or four students will be presenting throughout the school at any one time during the evening. This is a special night, and an important time to honor the hard work your student has done. Please encourage friends and family to attend.
Senior Pictures are happening on Wednesday, April 15th, individual as well as a whole group shot, by photographer and Trillium parent Lori Threlkeld. This will take place during Senior Inquiry class from 8:30-9:30 in the morning. Lori is generously donating her time and talents to take a few head shots of each student and will provide digital versions of these at no cost to families. Lori is also available for hire to do extended photo shoots of your senior for a more traditional senior picture experience. She does great work and we recommend her highly. To see some of the photos she took of the class of 2008, visit If you are interested in a more extensive photo shoot, please contact Lori directly at
Commencement will be held on Saturday, June 6th. Exercises begin at 2 o’clock.
Graduation announcements are being printed now and will be delivered May 1st. Please be sure to email or call Ken with the exact number of announcements you would like for your student by Friday, April 24th. Announcements are printed on beautiful, one hundred percent post consumer material with soy based ink, come in envelopes, and will cost one dollar each.
• Students elected that this year’s Caps, Gowns, and Tassles be gold, white, and green. They will be delivered in the end of May and cost $40 each. Students may keep the cap and gown.
• All checks should be made payable to Trillium Charter School.

This is an exciting time of year and of life. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have around your graduates’ experience.



(1) 1. Approval: If the Committee approves the project, the student has satisfied this requirement for graduation. 2. Conditional approval: The committee may approve the project pending some future modifications by the student. The project cannot be approved in full until these modifications are made. The PRC generally reconvenes in order to re-evaluate the project should this occur. 3. Rejection. The committee rejects the work of the project as to be of insufficient quality to be considered for graduation. This is rare.

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