Saturday, May 23, 2009

Faith and Conflict Update

Hello Faith and Conflict Students,

A schedule change and a reminder: First, your first draft of your second paper is due on Wednesday. You should be working with the idea you submitted to me on Thursday unless I have suggested otherwise. You will have time in class on Tuesday and Wednesday to work on your papers.

We will NOT be having our video conference with the Gaza students on Tuesday. It has rescheduled to Wednesday morning.

Below is the list of questions we generated as a class to ask the Gaza students during the video conference. I have forwarded the list to them so they can choose which questions to ask. I would like to use them all, but we would run out of time.


Proposed Trillium Questions for Gaza Students
May 22, 2009

1. How was your day? What is a typical day like for you?
2. What does it look like where you live? Could you describe your home, your neighborhood? What is the weather like in Gaza?
3. How many people are in your family? How is your family?
4. What is your favorite food dish? What kind of music do you like?
5. What do you do in your free time? What games or sports do you like to play? What is a favorite book that you have read? What is your favorite movie? What did you like about it?
6. What is the most important thing to you right now? What goals do you have for your life?
7. Have your religious beliefs ever conflicted with your personal beliefs?
8. Have you ever wished to move and live somewhere else?
9. What has been one of the best days of your life?

Life amidst Conflict
10. How does the conflict with Israel affect you personally? What is it like living amidst violence? Are you ever afraid of where you live?
11. To what extent does the conflict with Israel define who you are as a person?
12. How do you feel about the war with Israel? How do you feel about Israelis? Do you separate the two?
13. What do you think might be the future of the walls around Gaza and West Bank?
14. What do you think about the election of Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel?
15. Do you think Palestinians will ever return to their rightful homes?
16. What do you think of the United States government and its people? What is it like to speak with Americans knowing our government supports the Israeli government?
17. What are your thoughts, feelings, or opinions on Hamas?

Understanding Conflict
18. What books or films do you feel could help an outsider better understand Palestinians and the conflict with Israel?
19. How do you resolve conflicts in your daily life, like an argument or misunderstanding with friends or family?
20. Do you think a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will be found? Where might it come from? What positive step might be taken to help stop the conflict?

Looking Forward
21. How might Palestinians one day be able to heal the divide with Israelis? Will it ever be possible for you to forgive the state of Israel for what it has done? Will you be able to forgive the citizens of Israel? Have you ever, or might you one day, be willing to have conversations like the one we are having right now with Israeli youth?

1 comment:

ydennek said...

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