Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Study in Serbia!

Hi Will and Ken,

We have pushed back the deadline for student applications for the American Exchange to Serbia to this Friday, December 17th. So far we have not had any applications from Trillium students. If you know of any students who were interested, or who would be strong candidates, it would be great if we could get them on track to completing an application. We would love to further the connections made during the Serbian exchange. If anyone has any questions, or if they may have difficulty completing the application by the current deadline, please have them contact me and we can work something out.

Program info and applications are still available on our website: http://www.worldoregon.org/events/registration/serbian_youth_exchange.php

Thanks again for all of your help,

Andrew Neal
World Affairs Council of Oregon
1200 SW Park Avenue, Third Floor
Portland, OR 97205
Office: (503) 306-5216
Cell: (971) 227-3954

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