Sunday, January 30, 2011

This weeks' schedule

Hi All,

Thanks for a great Exhibition.

This week is a little different from our normal week. Monday through Wednesday will follow our normal schedule. Wednesday will be the last day of semester one classes. As you all know intensives were originally scheduled this week, but have been canceled. Our students still need a well deserved break between semesters, so on Thursday we are planning a variety of trips for students. Some possibilities include: college tours to PSU, Reed, and PCC, museum visits to OMSI, the Portland Art Museum and Historical Museum. There might be also be trips to Women and Trades or a hike in Forest Park.

We are not needing drivers but chaperones because many of the museum trips are contingent on having a good ratio of students to adults. The art museum for instance asks for a ratio of 6:1. Please let us know if you would like a day at a museum, chaperons get in free!

HS Advisors

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