Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Taking Action on Climate Change

Climate Justice Portland
Updates, Action & Events!
Climate Justice will do some Movement Education at May meetings
1st and 3rd Mondays, May 9 & 23, 7-9pm, 2249 E Burnside
Climate Justice Portland will be hosting two opportunities to get down with Movement education -- come discuss and get educated about the ins and outs of climate change, Climate Justice and how Portland will be affected! If you are a new face, now is the time to come in.
Check out the materials for our self-education sessions. Readings & videos!
Are you a media maker or a video visionary?
Multnomah County is hosting a Climate Short Film Contest.
5 minutes or less about how climate change will impact Oregon. Deadline: June 10.
Want to enter? Got ideas? Come to the May 9th meeting or email cjcpdx@gmail.com and let's collaborate!
Fight against expansion of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) – No to HB 2700
The Oregon Legislature is voting on an Anti-Climate, Pro-LNG bill soon
Click here to send an email opposing HB 2700 to your State Senator TODAY!
For the third session in a row, a bill to change how state-issued wetland removal-fill permits are granted in Oregon is moving forward. This means LNG on a Fast Track through our communities! Soon, the State Senate Business, Transportation & Economic Development committee will vote on the amendment to exclude LNG-related pipelines from the current bill, HB 2700.
THIS IS AN UPHILL FIGHT, and we need to encourage our state senators to do the right thing against strong pressure from financial and fossil-fuels interests.
Click here to send an email opposing HB 2700 to your State Senator TODAY!
Learn more and take action!
May 13, 10am -2pm, Portland State University Native American Student and Community Center
Stop the Tar Sands and the Heavy Haul Teach-In & Salmon Bake
We are tribal groups, environmentalists, and community members. We are protesting the use of the Columbia and Snake Rivers by big oil corporations to ship equipment upriver to Idaho where they will then drive the machinery up to the Alberta Tar Sands.
May 14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson St.
Climate Ethics and Equity Forum.

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