Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Senior Update: Commencement and More!

This Friday is the last Senior Project Class! Come meet with Ken and the class of 2011 to get your cap, gown, and tassle, and learn about graduation logistics.

Senior and Alumni dinner is this Friday at 6:30 at Trillium. Seniors and alumni, come get fed! Please RSVP to Ken (email, phone, facebook, or send an owl) to confirm your spot.

Commencement is on Saturday (!) at PCC Cascade (N Albina and Killingsworth) in the Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building Room 104. [I still have a few graduation announcements; if you need some last minute ones, let me know.] The ceremony starts at 2:00. Doors open to parents, friends and families at 1:45. Seniors must be there at 12:00 noon!

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