Friday, November 09, 2007

New Report Card Format

Hi all,

The Upper School is phasing in a new report card format, called the End of Term Self Relfection and Assessment (R&A). R&A is an integral part of the student report card that gives students a consistent way to assess themselves and to directly communicate that analysis with parents and teachers. The form is also used by the instructor to assess the student’s skills specific to the course. Every Upper School student fills one out for every one of his/her classes at the end of the term. These then all go home to parents. The Narrative/Grade report currently in use will serve as the cover sheet for Reflection and Assessment.


  • Gives predictable, uniform way in which students assess their own progress, and get teacher feedback, across classes.
  • Supports assessment of progress over time.
    • Keeping these forms (which are currently paper copies) as part of the student’s report card will allow the viewer to readily see how the student is developing in specific areas such as participation in discussions or focusing during activities, for example.
  • Assessment data is readily apparent to parents.
  • Ties classroom learning directly to Framework goals.

Future modifications:

  • Have R&A on-line, as part of a database:
    • Students would fill out forms on-line. This would save paper as well as sorting time.
Quarter 1 will be a transitioanl period from the old format to the new. When report cards will arrive home over Thanksgiving break, you will notice that most, but not all, of your student's course will be covered by an R&A form. Beginning Q2 we should be using them across the board. Please let me know if you have questions.



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