Saturday, November 07, 2009

Great Gardening Depends on You

Hi all,

We are thrilled to have a great new gardening connection, and we need your help to get there. The next two Fridays, November 13th and 20th, we have set up a service learning time with some radical gardeners on the West side. Please contact Polly ( if you might be able to help drive. We would take TriMet, but it simply takes up too much of the day to get there and back. We need help! Please lend a hand if you can.

The 'meat' of this experience is this: we will be put to work composting, working with the rabbits, chickens, and goats. It is a small community with great reverence for the land and animals, and an incredible knowledge of sustainable living.

I am so looking forward to it. We have been working in a small community garden area in NE Portland - this well be another whole universe for the students (and for me). Hurray!

On other fronts, don't forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Student conferences. There is a link on the right side of this page to do so.
