Friday, November 20, 2009

The Winter Time Wish List

Project Wish-List for our classroom

If you might be interested in contributing to the classroom, here is our latest list of items that would help make the day better (and the projects richer) for your student.

We would be thrilled to have:
* Black Sharpie fine point pens
* Colored construction paper.
* Art paper- Big sketch books, watercolor, charcoal, etc....
* Tape: scotch tape, blue masking tape, duct tape.
* Needles and thread.
* A few yards of some fun fabric.
* An hour or so of time from a confident sewer (I need some pillow covers).
* Poster board and large paper.
* Acrylic paints in all colors and brushes- artist quality (oil and watercolor paints are good, but not used as often)
* High quality colored pencils.
* Tissues.

On going:
* Natural peanut butter
* Whole grain bread.
* Honey
* Herbal Tea
* And if you might be willing to help buy books for the classroom, a Powell's gift card is always a delightful contribution.

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