Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An Opportunity from Planned Parenthood

This from Bianca Taveras, Community Education Coordinator for Planned Parenthood Columbia, Willamette:

Hello all,

I hope this email finds you all well. As some of you know it’s that time of year when we recruit for our new Teen Council members for 2010-11. We will be collecting applications until mid-May and then conducting interviews before the end of the school year for next year’s Teen Council. If you know some amazing youth ages 14-18 who think would love to be a part of a peer-education team and learn about sexual health, then this is the activity for them!

Here is the link to print off an application;

Just have them send it to; Bianca Ryan Taveras, 3727 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, Or 97217

Bianca Ryan Taveras
Community Education Coordinator
Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette
3727 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212
p: 503.775.4931 x 3252
f: 503.280.6151
bianca.taveras@ppcw.org www.ppcw.org

visit www.takecaredownthere.org

The Planned Parenthood Promise:
Creating hope for humanity: The freedom to dream, to make choices, and to live in peace with our planet.

La Promesa de Planned Parenthood
Creando esperanza para la humanidad: La libertad de soƱar, tener opciones, y vivir en paz con nuestro planeta.

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