Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello Trillium parents,

As you may or may not know we will be having intensive classes once again at Trillium. They take place Monday through Thursday the week of June 7th-10th. These are classes offered during the morning from 9:00 to 12:00 and can be any sort of focus that a teacher decides upon. To make them successful we ask that parents share their talents, skills and interests by teaching a class. This makes it possible to have small group sizes and opportunities to use the time more effectively than with a large group. We need your help. If you can be involved let us know by this Friday May,21. This is how:

• Teach an intensive class based on a skill, talent, focus or activity that you are eager to share with kids (that's from 9-12, M,T, W and Th)
• Team up with another parent to offer an intensive that shares your similar interests
• Help with an intensive on days that work for you
• Help with driving, since some of them require transportation to get kids to the class locations

All you need to do is send a description of what you would like to teach to Polly at
Your description should include:
Class title,
Brief description of the class and what will be learned,
Age of students that it would be appropriate for, (It can be K to grade 12 or any smaller grouping in between.)
Number of students that would be best for your class
Any additional cost for supplies.

If you are able to support an intensive or be a driver please contact Polly.

Thanks for helping to make Trillium an amazing place to learn.

If you have further question or would like additional information about helping or leading an intensive please attend a brief informational meeting on Thursday May 20 @6:00. ( If you are chaperoning on the 1st 2nd grade camp out
and can not attend the meeting please contact Polly .)

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