Monday, May 10, 2010

More Senior News

Howdy and bless your working hearts Class of 2010,

For some of you this information is more pressing than others. Here it is:

Ken dearly needs to know how many graduation announcements you would like and how many people will be attending commencement. Check your email for a message from him AND RESPOND TO IT pretty please.

Time is of the essence, as you all know. Your PRC members are running out of it, just like you are. You must schedule your final PRC meeting TODAY, if you have not already done so.

You MUST have a PRC meeting prior to presenting at Senior Project Night (SPN). Your PRC must approve you to present there, which they might do even if your project is not totally complete. Students not approved to present at SPN still have a chance of passing their project, but it gets considerably more difficult to do so. In these extremely rare cases, arrangements are made with the PRC, the entire high school team, the director, the student, and his/her parents to determine precisely what the student would need to do in order to satisfactorily fulfill the requirements of the Project. This is not a pretty scenario. Avoid it at all costs. But, if you find yourself there, know that there is still hope, and that you have work to do.

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