Friday, May 07, 2010

Senior Information

May 6, 2010

Dear Parents of the Class of 2010,

Happy spring and welcome to the home stretch. This is a very busy time for seniors as we move toward graduation. Here are a few important things you'll want to keep track of:

Your student should be done, or very nearly done, with his/her senior project. Projects are due to Project Review Committee Members before the final PRC meeting, which must be completed prior to Senior Project Night.

SENIOR PROJECT NIGHT will take place Friday, May 21st at six o'clock. The event will be held at Trillium. There will be multiple projects presented throughout the building at any one time, with each senior having 25 minutes to present his/her work. Seniors are expected to attend for the entirety of the evening, regardless of the time of their presentation slot. This is a wonderful event for families and friends to honor the hard work and persistence of Class of 2010. Please come celebrate with us.

Commencement will be held at the Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building at Portland Community College Cascade Campus on Saturday, June 12th. Exercises begin at 2 o’clock.

Graduation announcements are being printed, and we need to know how many you each family would like. Please make sure Ken knows exactly how many you would like for your student (call or email him ASAP at the contact information below). Announcements are printed on beautiful, one hundred percent post consumer material with soy based ink, come in envelopes, and will cost one dollar each.

Students have selected that this year's caps and gowns be black and that tassles be dark green. They will be delivered in the end of May and cost about $30 each. We use a cap and gown company that rents us high quality robes that we then return to them.

Senior Prom is June 4th and tickets are on sale now. The theme is "Living Dead Romance."
Class of 2010 member James McKinley's final work, the Peace and Love Concert will take place the following Saturday, June 5th at Trillium.

This is an exciting time of year and of life. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have around your graduates’ experience.


Ken Gadbow

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